Camp NaNoWriMo Week 1

Has it been 7 days of Camp NaNo already? Eek!

For those of you who have no idea what in the world I’m talking about, the website is here. Basically, Camp NaNoWriMo is like NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, which occurs in November) but much more organized. It’s happening right now throughout the month of April. You join the website mentioned, you can even join a cabin. You create a project with a word count goal and viola!

The great thing about Camp NaNo? You can join cabins! (you had me at CABIN!) And message each other constantly (ok, that’s just me). You can encourage each other, keep each other accountable, participate in word wars or word springs, talk about writing (which, for me, is SO awesome since most of my friends are not writers) You talk about the good, and the bad, and apparently you don’t shower Just like real camp, back in the day!!
Who actually took showers during summer camp, raise their hand?? I won’t lie – I rarely did because, let’s face it, I was super lazy and did not want to stand in line for half an hour to an hour when I could be sleeping instead.

Am I the only one? Sorry! I promise I shower…I swear I did just yesterday.

My Camp NaNo goals.

  1. To go through my current manuscript 2x (lofty goal, I know!)
  2. To create a working timeline for this MS
  3. To use the timeline to address all of the continuity problems going on, which there are SO many, hence why I need to create a timeline.
  4. To write a synopsis.

My progress so far.

I have begun my timeline. I actually went back and created a timeline for the entire series, up until this point. I should mention that this is Book 3 in my Second Chances series.

I have edited through 9 chapters – so about 1/3 of the project I’m working on. Edit is kind of a tricky word and can encompass many things. Basically, I have done a quick pass, making comments about things that I need to go back and change.

I’ve actually rewritten several scenes which has equaled to about 6,000 words. Not terrible, I suppose. I’ll be doing much more rewriting later on in the month.

Are you working on a WIP for Camp NaNo? How is your progress going? let me know in the comments!






Published by Sara Beth Williams

Contemporary Christian Romance author, wife, mother, believer in Christ, freelance publicist,

11 thoughts on “Camp NaNoWriMo Week 1

  1. Sounds like a fantastic start to me! Good luck with the rest of it! I was supposed to be doing Camp NaNo, but these first few days have been busy for me so I’m not sure if I’ll get through my edit as planned. I guess we’ll see ๐Ÿ™‚

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    1. I feel you. I thought sure I could read through my book twice in one month (1 time to read and comment on things to be fixed, the 2nd time to go back and fix everything.) Nope, I will likely only be able to read through it once, which is still impressive if you think about it. If I get through it once, I won’t be disappointed.

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  2. No camp for me, and my kids aren’t interested. But we do meet with other unschooling families at a campground for four days each summer. There’s a lake, and the kids often don’t shower for the entire long weekend. By the time we get home, they’re more than ready!

    I’m doing camp, but I stopped at a little over 11K words, because I was the driver for a a five-hour Thursday- Sunday trip that included a side visit to the Museum of Natural History in NYC. Did some reading, and a bit of notetaking for the #atozchallenge, which I’m also involved in this month.

    No new writing this week, but I’ll pick up again tomorrow night, at my Camp write-in. Words to make up!

    Boldly Going Through the Alphabet!
    Part-Time Minion for Holton’s Heroes
    shanjeniah’s Lovely Chaos

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  3. I never went to summer camp as a kid. *pouts* The closest I got was Girl Scout camping trips, but usually those were only like 2-3 days at most. Anyway, looks like you are making some great progress!! 6k is amazing for one week! I also love the cabins feature of Camp NaNo. It makes things a lot more fun, and I kinda wish they had the same thing for regular NaNo. ๐Ÿ˜€ As for my progress, I’ve fallen a little behind because I was on a road trip with my family this weekend (I probably should have written in the car, but I was too lazy, lol). But I’m hoping to catch up today!


    1. Oh I could never write in a car lol. It’s difficult enough to read. You still have 3 weeks left, you’ll do great! How’s your cabin? So my cabin counselor (i guess??) went on a cruise for a week?? lol.

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      1. I do occasionally, but it makes me feel a little nauseated. ๐Ÿ˜€ Somehow I can handle reading in the car, though. It used to make me sick when I was a kid, but I kept doing it all the time anyway and eventually I think I kind of desensitized myself to it, lol.

        My cabin is great! I found them through a Facebook writing group that I’m in. Everyone is really into it and they’re all very kind and supportive. ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s a lot of fun!

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    2. I think I’m slightly crazy. I took on a beta reading project “face palm” But I told her I was doing Camp NaNo so she knows. Still…why did I do that?? I meant to get the book earlier. Anyhow, I think I am going to alternate reading and writing every othe day or I might get too stressed out…again :/

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      1. I feel your pain … I’m actually doing three betas right now, which was a big mistakeโ€“โ€“I feel bad because I keep taking forever to respond to my CPs. ๐Ÿ˜› But yeah, I think a combination of reading/writing can work well!

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  4. I never showered at camp! We were swimming in the lake all the time, why waste more time in a shower?? And now my children come home from their camp completely filthy, and the first words out of my mouth are “don’t they have showers there?” ๐Ÿ˜€


    1. LOL right? As parents we’re like…what’s wrong with you? but as kids, I totally didn’t care. I actually did wash my hair a couple of times, but it took forever to get a shower in. People were waking up at 6am and I was like…no thanks. We had to be down at breakfast by 7:30 at the summer camps I went to as a teen. And as a kid, the camps we went to were even worse in terms of shower availablity, and often we were out to line up for breakfast by 7:15. I suppose at night I could have but I was having way too much fun


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