My writer’s bucket list


Thank you Faith, for posting this writer’s tag.

I am not going to tag people because I never know who has time for tags, or who even likes tags. If you want to write your own bucket list, go for it!! I would love, love, love to hear from you about yours. Even if it’s posted in the comments.

My writing bucket list: (in order, I might add)

#1 To publish my contemporary christian romance series.

(like SO BAD I want this to get rolling!)

#2 To become a freelance Editor

That’s right. I think I’m pretty good at it. Others have said I am good at it. Therefore, you should contact me now to beta read and edit while I’m STILL FREE.

#3 To write a historical romance series

I actually have one planned out, just have to finish my current series…

#4 To finish editing and publish my YA Action/adventure series.

So this has been sitting on the back burner for a while. I wrote a YA action adventure book about 4 years ago by now, and it needs an overhaul on the MS. But I love this story. However, I don’t know if I want to commit to writing for the YA genre as of yet.

#5 To write ANY historical fiction in general.

Particularly centered around the Revolutionary War. There are hundreds of historical fic books on the Civil War but I never can find much on the Revolutionary War.

#6 To write biblical fiction.

THIS IS REALLY HARD and probably will not happen for a LONG time. 

#7 To write a screenplay AND / OR turn one of my books into a movie.

(which basically means, writing a screenplay for one of my books or series. Or writing an AMAZING story that gets picked up by someone who writes screenplays.

#8 To write and direct a play (not a movie, but a play)

I love theater, and I have a tiny bit of experience. I’m related to Edward Albee, who was also a playwright and writer. I think it would be fun.


What would be on your writer’s bucket list? Let me know in the comments!



Published by Sara Beth Williams

Contemporary Christian Romance author, wife, mother, believer in Christ, freelance publicist,

2 thoughts on “My writer’s bucket list

  1. I’m so glad you decided to try this tag 🙂 You have such amazing aspirations. I know that you’ll be publishing that series soon. And when you do, you can count on me as a reader 🙂
    The idea of writing and directing a play sounds like a great one. It’s nothing I’ve ever considered myself, but I admire people who can write compelling plays!
    A lot of these goals seem centered on historical fiction. I love that so much! I would love to see you write a biblical fiction I didn’t mention on mine I don’t think, but it’s an idea I’ve been playing with too!
    So much to accomplish. Best of luck with them all ❤

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