Introducing… Sara Beth Williams

Anaiah Press

We are thrilled to announce that we’ve signed author, Sara Beth Williams for her contemporary romance, SECOND CHANCES. She’s here today to answer some questions so we can all get to know her a bit better.

1. Welcome, Sara Beth! Thanks for stopping by to chat with us. Tell us a bit about yourself. 
Author-Photo__Sara-Beth-WilliamsI’m married, going on ten years this June. We have two beautiful girls, ages 2 and 6. I’ve been saved by Christ since the age of 14. Some things you may not know about me: I can twist balloon animals and all kinds of other creations. I ran my own entertainment business balloon twisting for birthdays for a couple years. Secret wishes of mine: 1: I wish I could paint and take amazing photos, but alas, my gift is turning beautiful images I see or imagine into words instead. 2: I wish I could learn how…

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Published by Sara Beth Williams

Contemporary Christian Romance author, wife, mother, believer in Christ, freelance publicist,