The Setting Thesaurus Books Are Here!!

Think of your absolute favorite story. What are some of the aspects of that story that you rave about to your friends and family? For me, it’s the ability of the book to pull me into it’s world, making me feel as if I’m there, as if I am hearing, seeing, listening, tasting…

As writers, that is our goal: to pull the reader in, to pull them down deep into the words, make them feel like they are experiencing the story right alongside the hero or heroine.

A big part of achieving that goal is showing the character’s surroundings in a way that is textured and rich, delivering this description through a filter of emotion and mood. It means we have to be careful with each word we choose, and describe the setting in such a way that each sight, sound, taste, texture, and smell comes alive for readers. This is difficult! Especially since it is so easy to overdo it—often descriptions of surroundings end up killing the pace, slowing the action, and worst of all, boring the reader. (I have DNFed books for those reasons!!)

So how can we as writers create a true, unique experience for readers and make them feel part of the action while avoiding descriptive missteps that hurt the story?

writershelpingwriters_logo_300x300px_finalGood news! Two new books have released this week that may change the description game for writers. The Urban Setting Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to City Spaces and The Rural Setting Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Personal and Natural Spaces look at the sights, smells, tastes, textures, and sounds that a character might experience within 225 different contemporary settings. And this is only the start of what these books offer writers.

In fact, swing by and check out this hidden entry from the Urban Setting Thesaurus: Antiques Shop.

And there’s one more thing you might want to know more about….


Becca and Angela, authors of The Emotion Thesaurus, are celebrating their double release with a fun event going on from June 13-20th called ROCK THE VAULT. At the heart of Writers Helping Writers is a tremendous vault, and these two ladies have been hoarding prizes of epic writerly proportions.

A safe full of prizes, ripe for the taking…if the writing community can work together to unlock it, of course.

Ready to do your part? Stop by Writers Helping Writers to find out more!

Published by Sara Beth Williams

Contemporary Christian Romance author, wife, mother, believer in Christ, freelance publicist,

14 thoughts on “The Setting Thesaurus Books Are Here!!

  1. Just commented about these on another blog! They look like a fantastic addition to the series and I’ll most likely grab a copy for my reference 🙂
    Thanks for sharing ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks so much for letting me post here today and for all your help during launch. It has been so wonderful to have this support, and means the world to Becca and I 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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